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 Betreff des Beitrags: Patch Message 11.3.2020
BeitragVerfasst: 12. März 2020, 18:26 
Mistress of Hellfire

Registriert: 11. Januar 2002, 16:55
Beiträge: 964
Wohnort: hier
March 11, 2020

*** Highlights ***

- Become the Overseer! Gain the loyalty of iconic Agents and protect Norrath from the ever-present ripples of Discord. See below for more information.
- All Access members who log in to EverQuest during our 21st Anniversary Celebration (between March 16th and May 10th) will receive a claimable Heroic Character! This character can only be redeemed once per account.
- In celebration of EverQuest's 21st anniversary we have made Veteran Reward abilities available to all players! See below for more details.

*** Items ***

- You can no longer combine items using tradeskills when any ingredient contains one or more augments.
- - Note: Worn visible armor items may have hidden power source augments in them. Unequip your power source before you retrieve the worn item in order to remove the hidden augments.
- Evolving items with the Claim Reward button cannot be claimed until all augments are removed from the item in addition to any other requirements that are present.
- Added AC to the guild tribute Aura of Preservation 14.
- The Claim the Item spells attached to various Iksar, Half Elf, and Dark Elf Heritage Crate items no longer have a spell description that suggests that you will receive a familiar.
- Corrected an issue that prevented high damage 2-handed weapons from dealing their intended damage.

*** Tradeskills ***

- The Faded Velium War Hammer recipe will now give the correct product.
- Crystallized Precious Velium Ore now has a chance to drop in the chest in the missions Seeking the Sorcerer and Icebound Avatar.
- - Six months after the release of Torment of Velious there will be an additional chance to gain Crystallized Precious Velium Ore from those two missions, as well as the Griklor the Restless and Restless Assault missions.

*** Quests And Events ***

- Tower of Frozen Shadow raid events - Made the following changes:
- - Increased the health and melee damage of all raid NPCs.
- - Heart of Frozen Shadow - Fixed a bug that caused the 'It's a No Slow from Me, Dog' achievement to always be granted.
- - Till Death Do Us Part - Added a speculative fix to address reports that sometimes characters successfully spoke to the usher and were assigned a side yet they still received a dancer.
- - Tserrina Syl`Tor - Fixed a bug that prevented one of Tserrina's mechanics from working in her final phase.
- - Tserrina Syl`Tor - Reduced lag in this event.
- - Tserrina Syl`Tor - Tserrina's corpse will no longer move upon success of this raid event. This will hopefully prevent problems with looting the Key of Trauma.
- All Access members who log in to EverQuest during our 21st Anniversary Celebration (between March 16th and May 10th) will receive a claimable Heroic Character! This character can only be redeemed once per account.
- New 21st anniversary quests are available! Speak with the Mechanical Fortune Teller in the Plane of Knowledge and she will guide you.
- New anniversary items are available at the Special Celebratory Goods merchants in the Plane of Knowledge! These new goodies can be purchased with Commemorative Coins.

*** Spells ***

- Beastlord - Corrected the name of Griklor's Feralgia.
- Enchanter - Fixed a bug preventing Omica's Animation from taunting.
- Magician - Fixed a bug preventing Riotous Servant, Remote Riotous Servant, and Pyroxenite Bodyguard from taunting.
- Paladin - Concordant Blessing is now available at level 108 from Fairelwil Amsapi, Median Spellbound Lamps, and Median Spellbound Rings.
- Shadowknight - Fixed a bug preventing Minion of Drendar from taunting.
- Shaman - Fixed a bug preventing Grondo's Faithful from taunting.
- Wizard - Fixed a bug where Daveron's Pyroblade and earlier summoned swords were not immune to area damage effects.

*** AA ***

- Rogue - Adjusted all ranks of Etherium Strikes to remove stacking conflicts with the Blinding Speed line of disciplines.
- In celebration of EverQuest's 21st anniversary we have made Veteran Reward abilities available to all players!
- - The restrictions that limited the number of characters that can activate these abilities have been removed.
- - The requirement that your account must be active for 1 to 15+ years has been removed.
- - On progression servers, these abilities will continue to unlock starting with Dragons of Norrath up through Veil of Alaris.

*** NPCs ***

- Sporali in Hills of Shade will no longer cast Chattering Bones XXII.
- Restless Ice Infection now has a longer duration, instead of re-casting itself every six seconds.

*** Overseer ***

- Become the Overseer! Gain the loyalty of iconic Agents and protect Norrath from the ever-present ripples of Discord. Send your Agents on harrowing Overseer Quests, into moments spanning the entirety of Norrath's history, and restore balance where you can. Along the way, you'll gain fabulous rewards and grow in power. You may even draw the attention of Norrath's most famous heroes, and perhaps a few particularly nefarious villains. Do you have what it takes to gain the allegiance of Norrath's elite?
- Access the Overseer interface via the EQ Menu > Quests > Overseer option, or by entering the command /overseer.
- A mysterious presence in the Plane of Knowledge is interested in the coin gained through Overseer Quests.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Fixed the requirements on the door from Drachnid Hive to Dreadspire. Once Secrets of Faydwer has been unlocked for a month, level 70+ characters can access the zone without needing a key.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Added the /shownpcnames command which toggles npc names on and off like the Option Window checkbox.
- In the guild bank, if you try to set an item to be withdrawable by Single Member and that character doesn't exist, the item will now be set to Public If Usable.
- - If the character gets deleted or transferred to another server, the permissions for that item will also get set to Public If Usable.
- Increased the experience bonus for having other players (not mercenaries) in your group.
- Increased the amount of AA experience you get in groups of 4 or more and raids of 13 or more.
- Fixed the spelling of the bartender's name on the map in Timorous Deep.
- Fast Camping can now be done within guild halls.
- The surname command now allows the use of a second capital letter and a single accent character.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to shroud while on a mount.
- Made the following changes to dynamic zone event replay timers:
- - When zoning into a dynamic zone you will now be given an event replay timer for each event that has been completed since the zone was launched.
- - You will not be given replay timers for any event that was already completed when the zone was launched.
- - If you already have an existing replay timer for an event completed since instance launch, your timer will not be modified.
- - You will receive a warning containing the list of replay timers you will incur upon zoning into the DZ when you are invited to join the DZ.
- - You will not be able to loot items off of raid bosses or chests associated with the completion of an event if your replay timer was not received from this instance of the DZ.
- Changed the way Resurrection Sickness works. It no longer reduces stats. It will now increase the cast time of detrimental spells by 10% and decrease your attack speed by 10%. Both of these values will stack with other spells rather than preventing haste or spell haste effects.
- Changed the way the PvP version of Resurrection Sickness works. The cast time increase and attack speed decrease have the same values, but these effects will stack with other spells rather than preventing haste or spell haste effects.
- Changed the way Revival Sickness works. It no longer caps mana and endurance at 4000. Instead it caps at 25% and slowly decreases the cap by 1% every 5 levels starting at 50. For example, the cap at level 85 is 18% and the cap at level 115 is 12%.
- Improved how the guild message of the day is stored.
- Improved how fellowship member names are stored.
- Accessing Dreadspire, Meldrath's Mansion, and Crystallos should no longer refuse entry the first time until you wait or relog.
- Plane of Knowledge is now listed as a destination of type Priest of Discord from Dranik's Scar in the Zone Connection Guide. This will not always be the destination that the Priest of Discord will send you to, but it should be more correct than the guide not showing a way back to Norrath.

*** UI ***

- Corrected an issue that prevented weapon ornaments that can be placed in all slashing, blunt, or piercing weapons from displaying their slot restriction information in the item inspect window.
- If you zone with the Rewards window open, the rewards now display properly, and no longer require you to close and open the window to see the rewards you have pending.
- Fixed the neighborhood window to always display the name of the guild in the guild plot section.
- The Quest Journal quest selections will now persist through opening and closing the window and zoning.
- Rewards that have a stackable item as one of the reward choices will have a number indicating how many of that item you will receive if the amount is greater than 1.
- Fixed an issue with the Rewards Window where selected rewards could become deselected.
- You can no longer modify the compensation for items or toggle items on and off while barter buyer mode is on. In order to make modifications you will need to exit barter buyer mode.

- Changed -

- The EverQuest Team


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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Patch Message 11.3.2020
BeitragVerfasst: 12. März 2020, 18:30 
Mistress of Hellfire

Registriert: 11. Januar 2002, 16:55
Beiträge: 964
Wohnort: hier
The surname command now allows the use of a second capital letter and a single accent character.

Wow 21 Jahre später, haben sie es endlich geschafft das feature einzubauen. *golfclap*

Ich vermisse die alten Zeiten mit Euch (außer mit Selwien)



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 Betreff des Beitrags: Re: Patch Message 11.3.2020
BeitragVerfasst: 4. Oktober 2020, 00:44 

Registriert: 15. Januar 2002, 19:25
Beiträge: 330
:D 8O :lol:

Der Weg ist das Ziel

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