Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek rules:
Welcome to Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek, the PvP Teams servers.
Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek, like Sullon Zek, are PvP teams servers. In general the servers are based on the concept of a PvP teams server, like Sullon Zek, but with the teams chosen based on which race you choose at creation rather than your deity.
This document includes the PvP rules for Tallon and Vallon Zek.
Player v. Player (PvP) combat can occur between any characters that are within an 8 level limit. For instance, a level 42 person may attack or be attacked by anyone from level 34 through 50, assuming they are on opposing teams.
Characters will be immune to PvP combat until they have gained enough strength to survive the struggle. Characters below 6th level are not able to participate in PvP combat. As soon as a character 'dings' into 6th level, he or she will become PvP enabled.
Characters will not lose experience when killed in PvP combat, under most circumstances, although the occasional loss of experience is to be expected.
In the event that you kill or are killed by another player on this server only coin may be looted from a fallen opponent.
All combat skills have their effective value capped at 2 levels above a player’s current level. Losing two levels will not cause you to lose any combat skill effectiveness. However, losing more than that will cause those skill caps to be lowered so that they remain only two levels above your current level.
Resistance debuff spells have a 50% increased effectiveness against player characters.
/consider returns only three kinds of results when used against player characters: 'Green' means that the character is below your range. 'White' or 'black' means that the character is within your range. 'Red' means that they are above your range. 'In range' means +/- 8 levels.
Faction hits for PvP will be taken for killing characters within their racial hometowns. Killing a human in any human starting city will cause a faction loss with the locals. Freeport, Qeynos and Surefall Glade are considered starting cities for humans. All of Greater Faydark and Felwithe are considered the starting city for high elves and wood elves. Half elves have no starting city. Erudites have hometowns that match their starting cities. Other cities are not considered hometowns, despite being run and controlled by a certain race. For example, HighHold is not a human hometown. Thurgadin is not a dwarven hometown.
On Tallon and Vallon Zek, PvP-related Play Nice Policy situations are expected to be resolved using PvP solutions. However, Non PvP-related Play Nice Policy issues, such as training, causing intentional experience loss, bind point, zone, and portal camping, as well as other various forms of harassment, are not permitted in the PvP environment.
While corpse camping is no longer illegal, corpse camping someone until the point where his or her corpse decays is considered harassment.
All rules regarding general decency still apply. Cursing, threats, and other such things will be dealt with sternly, and are still unacceptable behavior on any server.
Naked corpses WILL disappear when looted by a player character. If you are naked and killed by a player character, your corpse will disappear when it is looted.
The Hide skill and all 'invisibility' spells will cause player characters to lose targeting on the character that has hidden or gone invisible.