Der Blaue Hobbit

Sleeper on BRELL DEAD!!!!!
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Autor:  Dunkelheit [ 10. Mai 2002, 08:42 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Sleeper on BRELL DEAD!!!!!

A guild has finally found a way to kill the sleeper....

here is a walkthrough

The complete quest!
And i have decided to share it with you all here.
To all you disbelievers who said it can't be done....IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!

It goes as follows:

Nobody ever tried talking to the Sleeper!

Kerafym says, 'GARATHSON!'
Kerafym shouts, 'Begone insect, I have much slaying yet to do.'
Kerafym executes a FLURRY of attacks on Kalladar!
Kerafym shouts, 'Begone insect, I have much slaying yet to do.'
Seke says, 'Hail, Kerafym'
Kerafym says, ' Uhm, hi'
Seke says, 'So, hows it going?'
Kerafym says, 'Little cranky, I just woke up.'
Seke gives Kerafym a piping hot mug of Starbucks coffee.
Seke says, 'This might help ya wake up, bud. I know you're a bit ornery since you just got up and all,
but really, did you have to go and kill all those people?'
Kerafym says, 'Sheesh, you're right, I feel like a total dick.'
Seke hugs Kerafrym.
Seke says, 'It's allright big guy, they have a cleric on the way to rez them, they'll be fine.'
Kerafym says, 'Are you sure? I can probably force that ice princess Lady Vox to come down here and
do some rezzes."
Seke says, 'Dude, are you kidding? Who wants a 90% rez?'
Kerafym sighs.
Kerafym says, 'Yer right, I am so out of it, I've been asleep for a while. All my friends quit playing, man,
my old guild disbanded, all of the other dragons hate me now, and my rep is totally ruined cause I just
PK'd like 300 people LOL~.'
Seke says, 'Yeah, that's harsh, I don't know if people are going to forgive that.'
Kerafym says, 'I really have nothing left to live should just quit.'
Seke says, 'Now hold on a second, Kerafym, we can fix this.'
Kerafym says, 'No, it's too late for me. I'm gonna go try out DAoC, but I'm really looking forward to
NWN, you know?'
Kerafym sighs.
Kerafym says, 'I'm gonna put myself out of my misery...goodbye cruel world!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'God WTF I have a lot of hp.'
Seke laughs.
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, '...'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'If I get haste will it shorten the refresh timer on Death Touch?'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Seke says, 'Damned if I know. Want me to backstab you or something?'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'Sure, go for it.'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says out of character, 'Can I get haste plz?'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym feels much faster.
Kerafym says out of character, 'thx'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Seke says, 'How's it coming?'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'Down to 40%'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFMY!'
Seke says, 'Don't you have that hotkeyed?'
Kerafym says, ' just type it out, sorry. I don't know how to make hotkeys.'
Seke chuckles.
Seke says, 'You just have to...nevermind.'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Seke says, 'Hey, you got any neat daggers or anything before you finish yourself off?'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'No, but I can kill Tunare if you want me to get you one.'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Seke says, 'Screw it, I'll be ok.'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, 'Whatever floats your boat. I'm gonna do it for real now, this should be enough to finish
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym says, '@#%$ f-ing christ, 30 hp left. This game sucks. I can't even kill myself right.'
Kerafym says, 'KERAFYM!'
Kerafym_corpse01 shouts, 'Begone insect, I have much slaying yet to do.
[end of copy]

lol, now i wanna see how many people flame me for this post without even reading it.

and pls do me a favor and don't discuss "serious" strategies on this thread.

Autor:  nebelfee [ 10. Mai 2002, 12:33 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

ok, habe mich nach 2 minuten wieder vom Boden aufgerappelt .... lol !

Aber ist es nicht fuerchterlich problematisch wenn sich das Monster selbst killt - ich meine wegen moeglichem loot (keiner ) screenshots (keine - corpse depopt ) und XP..........


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