Der Blaue Hobbit

Für die älteren Semester
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Autor:  Rado [ 13. Mai 2002, 12:58 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Für die älteren Semester

Autor:  Maldipus [ 13. Mai 2002, 13:19 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly.


Autor:  Ancistrus [ 13. Mai 2002, 13:24 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

hmmm ... ich auch....

nach 2tem mal bin ich das... Jetpac Man

I love the outdoors; the sense of freedom, of adventure. I love the sensation of free-fall, and would parachute and bungee jump on a moment's notice. I know where I want to be, and I strive to get there, making great effort to collect what I need. I let nothing stand in my way.


Autor:  nebelfee [ 13. Mai 2002, 14:00 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

I am a Light Cycle.

I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even breakfast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems.

Warum fuehle ich mich diskrimiert ? Und durchleuchtet ?

Nebelfee :wink:

Autor:  Moham [ 13. Mai 2002, 14:08 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

I am a Defender-ship.

I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones, and unforgiving of any who would hurt them. Speed and foresight are my strengths, at the cost of a little clumsiness. I'm most comfortable with a few friends, but sometimes particularly enjoy spending time in larger groups.

(If you were not a Defender-ship you would be a Thrust-ship.)

I am a Thrust-ship.

I am small and tricky - where you think I am, I probably am not. I can work very fast, but I tend to go about things in a round about way, which often leaves me effectively standing still. I hate rocks. Bloody rocks.

hm ....

Autor:  Caal [ 13. Mai 2002, 18:15 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  I am a Space-invader

I will happily recruit the help of friends to aid me in getting what I want. I have no tolerance for people getting in my way, and I am completely relentless until any threats or opposition are removed. I try to be down-to-earth, but something always seems to get in the way.


Autor:  Dunkelheit [ 14. Mai 2002, 14:31 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

I am a Defender-ship.

I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones, and unforgiving of any who would hurt them. Speed and foresight are my strengths, at the cost of a little clumsiness. I'm most comfortable with a few friends, but sometimes particularly enjoy spending time in larger groups.

Unglaublich, wie wahr das ist =)

Autor:  Moham [ 15. Mai 2002, 01:10 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Dunkelheit hat geschrieben:
I am a Defender-ship.

I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones, and unforgiving of any who would hurt them. Speed and foresight are my strengths, at the cost of a little clumsiness. I'm most comfortable with a few friends, but sometimes particularly enjoy spending time in larger groups.

Unglaublich, wie wahr das ist =)

oha, dann bin ich wohl eindeutig ein thrust-ship...

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