Der Blaue Hobbit

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Autor:  Rubicant [ 23. August 2002, 17:21 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Hello

Gedacht hat, daß ich durch aufhalten würde, und hat hallo zu jedem gesagt)

Ack I tried to say I am just saying Hello to everyone ... my German isn't very good hehe

Rubiness 60 cleric VZ
Rubicant 60 mage VZ

Autor:  IsNoGud [ 23. August 2002, 17:29 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

huh? was genau wolltest du uns damit sagen?

Autor:  Fione [ 23. August 2002, 18:14 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Hi Rubi :) look who is here :) it's Fiona ;)

Autor:  Rubicant [ 23. August 2002, 18:15 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Hey Fiona haha I didn't know you were on these boards )

Autor:  Itchy [ 23. August 2002, 22:11 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Your German just plain sucks.
Sorry to be honest.

Autor:  Rado [ 24. August 2002, 04:45 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

hi Rubi

omg you found us !
However we ain't gonna take the singing cat back. cope with it :wink:

So I guess it is my turn again to post on your board :D

cya ingame

Autor:  Dunkelheit [ 24. August 2002, 06:11 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

that only thing that really sucks on this board is Itch. Come back you are always welcome :)

Autor:  Rubicant [ 24. August 2002, 16:16 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Woot hiya Radovia... how did you know I wanted to send that cat back !? lol!

and thanks Dunkel :D

Autor:  Dikus [ 27. August 2002, 10:33 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Hi Rubi!
Always nice to see someone trying here to reach us through our own language ;)

See ya ingame!

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