Der Blaue Hobbit

Post mal einer Patchmessage bitte
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Autor:  Rado [ 11. Dezember 2002, 15:34 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  Post mal einer Patchmessage bitte


Autor:  Neranja [ 11. Dezember 2002, 16:12 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Postponed, morgen um die gleiche Uhrzeit :)

Autor:  Rado [ 11. Dezember 2002, 16:21 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

mir auch recht, wird denk ich eh unspektakulär

Autor:  Neranja [ 12. Dezember 2002, 08:00 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Ich hab gehört SKs sollen ganz übel generft werden.

Autor:  Rado [ 12. Dezember 2002, 09:03 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

ich hab gehört chanter werden rausgepatcht

Autor:  Ancistrus [ 12. Dezember 2002, 09:57 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

ich habe gehört das ich dich hasse

Autor:  Rado [ 12. Dezember 2002, 10:25 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

LIEZ !!!

Autor:  Dikus [ 12. Dezember 2002, 14:41 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Ist alles Quatsch:
Rogues bekommen endlich Triple Backstab und alle Poisons werden um 100% damage/auswirkung angehoben.

Immer noch keine da ? mir ist langweilig poste doch mal einer die bidde !

Autor:  Neranja [ 12. Dezember 2002, 14:57 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

December 12, 2002 3:00 am

** Spells **

- Fixed a number of inconsistencies with Bard song messages. Thanks to the players that submitted the comprehensive list of oddities.
- Mind Wrack should no longer overwrite Force Shield or the Wizard Epic effect.
- Splurt should now stack better with most Damage over Time spells.
- Infectious Cloud should no longer overwrite Demi-Lich.
- Despair should no longer overwrite Yaulp V.
- Several spell particle effects should appear correctly on the target now.
- Several Bard songs have had their animations corrected.
- Grim Aura should no longer overwrite the Spiritual Brawn series.
- Riftwind's Protection should no longer overwrite the Augmentation series.
- Added new particle effects to the Peck Firework spells.
- The Psalm series of bard songs should no longer be overwritten by Elemental Chorus or Purifying Chorus. Additionally, Psalm of Veeshan should overwrite all other lower level Psalms.
- Searing Flames' fire debuff has been reduced in power, but it should stack with most other debuffs now.
- The Malo line should no longer overwrite the druid circle series of spells.

** Items **

- Shield of the Immaculate now has a 1 second casting time.
- Anizok's Gauze Press should now summon 20 bandages regardless of your level.

** Miscellaneous **

- Aten Ha Ra now draws strength from her allies. It may be unwise to attempt to defeat her without first killing them.
- Removed most of the negative stat effects from the Shaman made potions. This should make them more useful and allow them to stack better with other magic.
- Added a few more keys to the player key ring for convenience.
- Water needed to make a Box of Souls no longer needs to be either Sacred or Holy.

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