Ist zwar schon alt, aber trotzdem suuuuuuuuuuuupergöttlich !!!
[Wed Jun 12 15:58:49 2002] Kelton says out of character, 'wtf happened here'
[Wed Jun 12 15:59:02 2002] Xebz says out of character, 'KELTON FAST GET OUT'
[Wed Jun 12 15:59:14 2002] Kelton says out of character, 'lol naw'
[Wed Jun 12 15:59:33 2002] Priest of Discord shouts 'Let this fool's meaningless death be a reminder to you all that the power of Discord is absolute!'
[Wed Jun 12 15:59:33 2002] Kelton has been slain by Priest of Discord!
[Tue Jan 22 20:06:08 2002] Cypriss shouts, 'can i get a loot and scoot?'
[Tue Jan 22 20:06:17 2002] You shout, 'No.'
[Wed Jun 12 16:49:55 2002] Jomoma shouts, 'fancy you are ghey!!!!!!!'
[Wed Jun 12 17:28:21 2002] Jomoma tells you, 'can i get a loot and scoop'
[Wed Jun 12 17:29:06 2002] You told Jomoma, 'no'
[Wed Jun 12 17:29:16 2002] Jomoma has been slain by Priest of Discord!
[Fri Jun 14 09:27:52 2002] Jazam tells you, 'Could you allow me to lns?'
[Fri Jun 14 09:27:57 2002] You told Jazam, 'No'
[Wed Jun 12 14:46:01 2002] Metus tells you, 'can i plz loot and scoot sir?'
[Wed Jun 12 14:46:15 2002] You told Metus, 'No.'
[Wed May 22 18:39:42 2002] Hinote tells you, 'i'll pay u 200pp in bazaar if u let me be'
[Wed May 22 18:40:34 2002] Hinote is surrounded by chains of music.
[Wed May 22 18:40:34 2002] You slash Hinote for 22 points of damage.
[Wed May 22 18:40:34 2002] Hinote tells you, '1k?'
[Wed May 22 18:41:01 2002] You have slain Hinote!
[Wed May 22 18:42:27 2002] You told Hinote, 'GO GO GOOD TEAM!'
Lots of ppls don't know that the PoD is also good at smacktalk! Look what he says to the stupid neuts.
[Thu Jun 06 03:52:53 2002] Priest of Discord says 'You fool!'
[Thu Jun 06 14:35:59 2002] Priest of Discord says 'You fool!'
[Mon Jun 10 00:22:59 2002] Priest of Discord says 'You fool!'
[Mon Jun 10 00:30:43 2002] Priest of Discord says 'You fool!'
[Mon Jun 10 02:27:40 2002] Priest of Discord says 'You fool!'
[Mon Jun 10 02:32:04 2002] Priest of Discord says 'You fool!'
[Wed Jun 12 09:32:33 2002] Priest of Discord says 'You fool!'
[Wed Jun 12 09:33:38 2002] Priest of Discord says 'You fool!'
[Wed Jun 12 09:39:40 2002] Priest of Discord says 'You fool!'
HAHAHHA total Priceless der Typ, wie der die Leute aufgemischt hat *LOL*
[65 Arcanist]
Sage Deewee (Dark Elf) <Ancient Dawn> ZONE: solrotower