Der Blaue Hobbit |
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Autor: | Itchy [ 26. Januar 2002, 13:08 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | Günstig abzugeben... |
Belt of the Cenobite - (Edit Item) - Image Available Races: ELF HIE DEF DWF HFL GNM - Classes: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG (LORE - MAGIC) Stats: AC: 5 - Wt: 1.5 - Slot: waist Attributes: WIS+7 SV COLD+10 Comment: Found in the Frontier Mountains on a Burynai Grand Cenobite. Average Price: 2,500 (17 entries) - (Add Your Price) - (Price Details) - (36 Comments) Mein Preis: 1000pp White Wolf-hide Cloak - (Edit Item) - Image Available Races: ALL - Classes: ALL (MAGIC) Stats: AC: 7 - Wt: 0.3 - Slot: back Attributes: STR+3 DEX+3 SV COLD+5 Comment: Found in Permafrost on the Goblin King Average Price: 1,200 (50 entries) - (Add Your Price) - (Price Details) - (19 Comments) Mein Preis: 500pp Dwarven Sap - (Edit Item) - Image Available Races: DWF - Classes: WAR CLR PAL ROG (MAGIC) Stats: Damage: 8 - Dly: 20 - Wt: 2.3 - Type: 1hb - Damage Per Second: 8.50 Comment: Found in Karnor's Castle Average Price: 600 (34 entries) - (Add Your Price) - (Price Details) - (20 Comments) Mein Preis: 300pp Ry`Gorr Oracle Shield - (Edit Item) Races: ALL - Classes: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD DRU BRD ROG SHM (MAGIC) Stats: AC: 12 - Wt: 8 - Slot: shield Attributes: WIS+5 MANA+50 Comment: Dropped by a quest-triggered Ry`Gorr Oracle in the Eastern Wastes. Average Price: 8,900 (17 entries) - (Add Your Price) - (Price Details) - (20 Comments) Mein Preis: 3000pp Dragon Tooth Choker - (Edit Item) - Image Available Races: ALL - Classes: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG (LORE - MAGIC) Stats: AC: 8 - Wt: 0.9 - Slot: neck Attributes: STR+5 HP+30 SV POISON+5 SV COLD+5 SV FIRE+10 SV MAGIC+5 Effect: Shieldskin (4 Charges) Comment: Found in Skyshrine by questing or killing the quest giver. Average Price: 12,000 (38 entries) - (Add Your Price) - (Price Details) - (31 Comments) Mein Preis: 6000pp Über die Preise läßt sich auch sicher noch reden, traden würd ich nur gegen wirklich gute Druid/Monk/Cleric Items. |
Autor: | Firgun [ 26. Januar 2002, 14:26 ] |
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Von welcher Seite hast du denn die Infos her? Also Preise usw. ? Sorry das ich grad nicht mitbiete, sondern ne Frage stelle ![]() |
Autor: | Neranja [ 26. Januar 2002, 15:56 ] |
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Du kannst und auf schauen, die Preise auf Allakhazam sind in der Regel niedriger... |
Autor: | Firgun [ 2. Februar 2002, 12:35 ] |
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danke ![]() |
Autor: | Palpatin [ 13. Februar 2002, 21:28 ] |
Betreff des Beitrags: | Belt of the Cenobyte |
Gibts nicht viel zu sagen ausser dass ich ihn kaufen will, den "Belt of the Cenobyte" ![]() |
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