Der Blaue Hobbit

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Autor:  DarkLestat [ 22. Juli 2002, 14:55 ]
Betreff des Beitrags:  WTB

Spell: Invisibility to Undead

Autor:  Maldipus [ 22. Juli 2002, 15:27 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Für was ??

Autor:  Drachenkind [ 22. Juli 2002, 15:52 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

huhu Darki :D ,

den giebt es doch in jeder Cleric Gilde z.b. ...

Vendor(s): Ak`Anon Casters Guild Ak`Anon Cleric Guild
Ak`Anon Necro Guild Cabilis Shaman/SK Guild
Erudin Temple of Prexus Erudin Temple of Quellious
Felwithe Casters Guild Felwithe Cleric Guild
Felwithe Paladin Guild Freeport Cleric Guild
Freeport Evil Vendors Freeport Paladin Guild
Grobb SK Guild Kaladim Cleric Guild
Kaladim Paladin Guild Neriak Casters Guild
Neriak Cleric Guild Neriak Necro/SK Guild
Paineel Cleric Guild Paineel Necro Guild
Paineel SK Guild Qeynos Casters Guild
Qeynos Cleric/Pal Guild Qeynos Evil Vendors
Qeynos Temple of Karana Rivervale Cleric Guild


Autor:  Myshakal [ 22. Juli 2002, 16:15 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 


Invisibility vs undead

hehe, das meint er Maldi 8)

Autor:  DarkLestat [ 23. Juli 2002, 08:29 ]
Betreff des Beitrags: 

Laut Info von ist das ein Mob-Drop, aber wenn man den jetzt kaufen kann dann freue ich mich umso mehr!

Danke und Gruß!

Name: Invisibility to Undead
Level: 39
Mana: 100
Class: Divination
Era: Scars Of Velious
Vendor(s): Great Divide

Approx Spell Cost: Unknown
Researchable: No
Type: Self Only Buff
Max Duration: 5 minutes
Casting Time: 4 seconds
Recast Time: 4 seconds
Actual Effects: Self: Invisible to Undead
Description: This spell is a nice addition to the Wizard line allowing them to traverse undead regions such as Lower Guk without having to require the assistance of another class.
It is still somewhat limited however since it is self only.

This spell will only protect the caster from the eyes of some undead, and high level mobs will still see through it.

This spell was released with the Velious expansion.

Various mobs in this zone drop spells released in the Velious Expansion

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