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VAT = Value Added Tax (dt. Mehrwertsteuer)
VAT On e-Services (VOES)
VAT On e-Services is a special Value Added Tax (VAT) scheme for non-EU businesses providing electronically supplied services to EU consumers (that is, private individuals and non-business organisations). The scheme provides an optional, simplified means of registering and accounting electronically for EU VAT with effect from 1 July 2003. To prevent the need for such non-EU businesses registering in every EU member state where they supply customers, this special scheme allows them to register and account for EU VAT in a single EU member state of their choice.
Please note that the scheme does not apply to supplies to business customers in the EU as they will account for any tax due using the 'reverse charge' procedure.
For a more detailed explanation about this special VAT scheme, please read the following VAT Information Sheets:
07/03 Electronically supplied services: Special Scheme for non-EU businesses
05/03 Electronically supplied services: evidence of customer location and status
04/03 Electronically supplied services: a guide to interpretation
01/03 Electronically supplied services and broadcasting services: New EU place of supply rules
quelle: HM Customs & Excise