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BeitragVerfasst: 15. Mai 2002, 21:31 

Registriert: 9. März 2002, 21:26
Beiträge: 8
So ich habe mich nen bissel schlaugemacht....
das is das beste was ich ueber VOX finden konnte (allakhazam copy). Ich kann an hand der infos den raid leiten. wuerde es aber begruessen, wenn einer der mehr erfahrung in raid-leading oder sogar VOX-raid-leading hat, das uebernehmen wurde..

fuer weitere info bin waere ich euch sehr dankbar. entweder posted oder schickt ne mail an

ich wuerde vorschlagen Samstag den 18.05. um 21:00 uhr in everfrost zu permafrost zone zu treffen. bringt alles mit was unter lvl 53 is.

Bitte mailed oder sagt mir online mal bescheit wer daran teilnehmen will (lvl class).
Ich werde dann ne ppl liste rausgeben.

wenns schief gehn sollte koennt ihr mich ja am RL treffen /bonken

2. versuch dann das drauffolgende WE nach RL treffen oder spontan frueher (wenn der erste raid nen erfolg war und wir das risiko dann besser abschaetzen koennen).

Ich werde mich auch mal mit NA und Nomadi in verbindung setzen wenn wir nich genug ppl zusammen bekommen sollten.

Euer Dannesong 52 barde

Info von Allakhazam ueber VOX raid:

ok just so everyone knows here.. Vox is a very tough dragon to take down! evenn more so than her booty call Lord Nagifen. i just read a post that said someone gated out a few down there.. NO ONE SHOULD EVER GATE!! if you have mana ever last drop needs to be dumped on lady vox and die in her lair if you can.. Why uyou may ask? the coward that gated im sure wasnt the only one of his kind either.. ok this is what im gonna do since this is a INFO link to lady vox and not a "lets all say what happened to us" link.. i have personally hosted quite a few vox raids. mostly open raids but not all will lead to triumph.. as you should know with ANY open raid you are bound to get people new to the dragon scene and will not know what to do.. this is expected.
1) in order to host a organized raid you need the following.A) a well versed raid leader who knows the tactics and the zone very well and has hosted a few dragon raids bfore
2) when ever i host an open Vox raid , or naggy for that matter, you can make things SO much more efficient and faster with a LV 60 cleric friend who has the time to help you mass Aego you entire raid and with a clicky stick for very fast CR's if the raid fails.. i can get everyone junked and fully buffed in under 30 mins with the 60 cleric friends help with the mass buffing option on through AA point abilities. for those that dont know what a clicky stick is, its the cleric epic and is a 96% rez with no mana used at all, hence speeding up CR's to about 30 mins..
3) i always have a 60 rogue to help with the pulling of bodies if the raid fails.. do you see the speed and efficiency yet? (60 rogue pulls bodies, yes even from pits with 0 agro while the 60 cleric has insta rez, click stick)

you do not need high lv people to come help with the buffing aspects of the raid .. but with the best buffs in the game people feel more confident and may help the moral some. all this can be done with 45-52 lv people only but extra help is greatly desired.. if using 45-52 only , then great a desired amount of people is 40-50 people.. it can be done with 30 people but all need to be in very nice resist gear and all need to have had some dragon experience before.

Lady vox is a draon that will AoE dispell the fisrt 4 buffs you have on as well as fear/and AoE ice everyone in the room for 500 points unless you have a) good resist gear, and b) resist buffs up

Key classes to have on a vox raid.. most important class is the enchanter and bard then clerics.. reason is vox you can have all the clerics in the game present on your raid but with uout enchanters and bards mana draining FULL time , then by the time Vox gets to 30% she will Completely Heal herself and after a few complete heals if your raid can take more than 2 of these, no amount of healing will keep your raid alive! all bards need to be playing mana drain full time as well as playing group resist song to help their grp resist her deathly AoE's
the key is to get her to be drained of her mana BEFORE she can use her ability to heal herself.. and since she has 32k HP's you dont ever want her to heal herself as it will wear down your raid VERY fast.. she will continue to AoE your raid at 500 points/fear every 15 seconds..she also melee at 200 a hit and doubles this quite fast.
i will tell the none tactics to kill her in a sec.. just laying down someone the ground work that needs to be known about her before you ever set a raid up..

The raid leader will only use the shout channel , everyone else needs to be in ooc or the new channels that can be established now../join <raidname> and password if necessary.

while everyone is coming into permafrost mages should be handing out cold resist shoulders(can fit in back slot too) and cold resist range slot items.. EVERYONE ON RAID NEEDS 2 ITEMS FROM A MAGE!! this will give you +30 cold as each have +15 and the shoulders have +15 magic as well

once everyone has the resist gear grps should be made or be made while mages pass out the gear.. mages will need a bard and a clarity to do this in a decent speed as the shoulders cost a bit of mana

once grps are made everyone should in grps and no one should have pulled any IG's yet AT ANY TIME! they should only be pulled right before the raid needs to move to the prep hall.. they are on a 2 hour spawn time and you need that time to junk, prep talk and real buff , without being interupted

Grps should be made similar to this.. 3 heavy tank grp with a bard and at least 1 if not 2 clerics in each of the 3 "tank grps" to keep them alive.. the bards are to play the resist somg while tanks go in to keep them alive even longer as well as keep you healers alive. Also your MA (main asssit tank grp ) needs the highest lv cleric with the best resists.. and your main tank need to have the best AC/HP(unbuffed)MR and CR of your entire raid. the job of the MA is to keep Vox on him at ALL TIMES so he needs to be the best tank you have in the raid..
now to get to the nitty -gritty.. you will need at least 5 bards(1 for each tank grp and some extras never hurt) you will need at least 3 enchanters to mana sieve with the bards( tash- and mana tap-25mana cost and 400 mana from vox to the enchanter) mana tap is a lv 51 enchanter spell nad be wise to have your enchanters 51 or 52 .. the lower version gets resisted too much to be effective .. you will need at least 2 clerics for each tank grp as well to keep em alive.. YES clerics need to be in vox room shortly after tanks are called in.. but i will get to all of that in a bit..

ok this is where you are grped, and rdy to put up junk buffs.. one monk need to go into the IG's out of the prep hall just inside the doos near the king room.. once all the IG's are killed everyone move into the gate room.. AND NO ONE SHOULD OPEN THE GATE!
you will set up you cleric buffing station/ druid station to the left of cleric, evryone else needs to be one the left wall to make room for everyone.. once buffing station is set up all need to put up 4 junk buffs then each grp will be called out succesivly to the buffing station to recive HP/AC buffs from the clerics and move down to the druid circle to get Circle of summer and resist cold buffing done.. if you have a MASS BUFFING cleric mass Aego can be dome all at once and requires everyone to be very close to get hit with the buff.. this methos is preferred.. if you just dont have a few lv 60 friends with mass buffing option than do the best with what you have..

2 methods are used to win here.. A) once a grp is fully buffed have them either camp out in a tight circle close to everyone in that grp to a chat room in the server selection screen set beffore the raid.. any experienced raid leader will know how to do this.. so each grp gets buffed up then camps.. this stops the buff wear time till the people log back on.. JUST BECAREFUL WITH THIS METHOD AS EVERYONE HAS SUMMONED ITEMS AND WILL DISAPPEARE AT #)MINS LOGGED OFF.. so this needs to be buffed very quickly and leader camp out to chat and tell everyone in chat to relog on and reform their grps..

this is where the leader has premade shout hotbuttons about hte strategy to make this very fast.. MA will be called in be raid leader when MA is rdy..

MA will tank her for a few mibutes if possibly to grab the agro securly from Lady vox.

MA will shout for assist and MA clerics and all the other tanks will now rush into her lair and gather around her back side OUT OF REPOST RANGE and proceed to beat her down 1 minute later clerics should be called in to heal the hurt tanks.. bards are to rush in with the MA assist call and keep their grps with resist son and mana drain vox at same time..

Raid leader will call out health check from time to time to adjust the different rush in stages

At 80% all enchanter will rush in and TASH then proceed to mana tep/drain VOX untill OOM or dead.. ALL enchanters should be lent reist gear if any have extras or have it personally themselves and they are amost the most important class to this raid.. htey need to stay alive as long as possible!


Raid leader will continue to call out health check and at 50% all caster will rush into her lair and proceed from melee range, to dump every ounce of mana they have on her,, if you go OOM then die in your spot you have served your purpose .. if you leave the lair you may be summoned by vox back in and meleed to death anyways.....

right after the caster rush is called all SK"S will HT(harm touch) pallies need to chain stun and rangers jolt/chain stun as well..

this is the point in time if you will succeed or not!

if your enchanters stayed alive and could drain VOX for a few minute as well as your bards drain.. she will not have any mana left to heal at all and she will go down with ease.. if not , well then regardless of your pally/rangers chain stunning then she will probably Cheal at least once,, stuns are resisted alot on vox so stuns alone are not the answer..

if you see "Lady vox begins to cast a spell" then you had better be already in the middle of you stun cast.. at 40% everystunner should be stunning her stupid anyways..

once you get her to 10-20 % and she hasnt cast a spell then you will most likey win the raid and rdy to rezz and lotto the loot..

a few more side notes: in her lair is usually other IG's and a priest of nagafen that *WILL* heal her as well.. these mobs need to all be pulled out of her lair by a monk 5 mins to the final raid call on vox.. now with the lair cleaned and ready for your team then med/rest /heal for a few minutes, but HURRY!!

NO pets should be used during the raid as vox WILL fear htem of and they are simply useless to the raid..

IF you happen to not be familar with the route to vox and you fall into a pit you will most likely die at the hads of a dozen bears.. plz just die or FD till raid is over and someone can grab you..
EVERYONE SHOULS AT ALL TIMES LISTEN TO THE RAID LEADER AND A) never wonder off B) never go past any area the laeder has set as a boundry

THE rest of the people can be formed into grps at the desire of the leaders choice.. i personally like to have a bard and healer in the enchanter grp .. HAVE TO KEEP THOSE MANA DRAINERS ALIVE AT ALL COSTS!!

caster classes can be likned with druids /shammies to keep em healed

the rest of grps should be balance out to have casters/healers and the rest is filler and totally up the the leader on how he wants to balance remaning grps.. not everyone may have a healer in their grp..

finally i have my alts lv 60 guildies enchanters and shammans and mage cast str buff on everyone, stamina, and enchanter speed right before final thrust into her lair as well as the mages DS..

Tke into consideration that the raids i host are with 60 buffing and help with prep of the raid and all.. if you cannot do this.. plan your raid accordingly to you lv buff ranges.. EVERYONE needs HP/AC/cold reist/lv 52 druid Circle Of Summer/junks and vesist gear before hand if everyone can gt ahold of some

i personally have 179 cold unbuffed as well as 150 magic in my dragon raid suit.. others should be advised to pick up cloak of the ice bear=20 cold, froggy crown=200 fireand cold, and a pair of plat peridot rings from an enchanter if one can afford them=20 cold pair total.. other gear can be picked up here and there for other slots.. velious is a great spot for cold gear btw.. once full buffed i reach 295 cold and 220 i think magic.. and i am always one of the few alive at the end, either if we win, or one of the last to die if we lose..

Vox is very fum raid mob and takes very good teamwork skills and she will rip any unprepared raid apart easily.. so try her and see.. you will learn your mistakes and only improve from there..

only the best people shpuld try and lead a vox raid.. it takes SO VERY MUCH WORK and cant be done be the faint of heart.. if you read this and decide to do a raid i hope this info has benefitted your cause and been a resource of knownledge to you.. i wish your try well and your winners of loot the best to come....

everyone should try to attend a few dragon raids for the experience and the mass teamwork training as yet to come is better and more powerfull mobs..

also another hint.. if you host an open raid .. try not to reserve ANY loot to anyone.. this will limit the amount of people that will come to your raid as well.. strength comes in numbers and you need as many as you can get if possible.. if its an open riad shoot for a gaol of 45-50 people to even out your odds of success even more..

well enough rambling this post is forever long.. i just hope it can help anyone who reads it.. best of luck to all you dragon raiders !!!

:excuse the spelling.. not the best typer lol

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BeitragVerfasst: 16. Mai 2002, 09:06 

Registriert: 16. Januar 2002, 10:53
Beiträge: 503
Dannesong hat geschrieben:
ich wuerde vorschlagen Samstag den 18.05. um 21:00 uhr in everfrost zu permafrost zone zu treffen. bringt alles mit was unter lvl 53 is.

..also willst mich nicht dabei haben oder wie? ;)


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BeitragVerfasst: 16. Mai 2002, 17:31 

Registriert: 16. Januar 2002, 07:33
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Wohnort: Wir sind das Ruhrgebiet =)
Mir wäre Sonntag abend lieber! Samstag kann ich leider nicht. Montag tagsüber wäre auch eine Option, ist ja Feiertag

I hate people who love me and they hate me :mrgreen:

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