Here s a copy/paste from the Camelot Herald, about the new server:
"New Server Type
Okay, now for the good/bad or better depending on your perspective. In my last letter I said that we were going to try to try to implement the first of our new server types. However, due to some technical issues (we had to move a number of servers elsewhere on our system) as well as lots of player feedback we are making a 180 degree change in our plan. While we could have simply delayed the server type for a week or so, things have changed a bit here. While I won’t say exactly what our next server was going to be, I will say what our next one will be. So, thanks to player requests, feedback and the occasional basket of rotten fruit hurled at our windows, we have decided to begin work on a enhanced PvP server. Now, this will not simply be a PvP server with a couple of different switches or something else similarly cheesy but rather a very different set of rules as well as lots of new features. Over the next six weeks we will be designing and implementing the new server. We hope to open it LIVE early this Spring. We will also be soliciting feedback and comments from the player community. Please do not send email, documents or anything like that because we will not read them (lawyers, don’t you just love them!). We will be talking more on the boards than we have recently and, as always, we will be reading them. However, I will say that there are a few things that will certainly be a part of the rule set and are not going to be changed:
1) Players will be able to gain all their experience from PvP.
2) Players may lose experience for getting killed in PvP depending level of attacker, who initiated, etc..
3) Players will not be able to communicate with players of other Realms.
4) Players will be discouraged from ganking, farming, etc. players significantly lower in level than them unless the other player initiated combat.
5) Realm keeps, towers, guard posts, etc. will be weakened so that Realm vs. Realm warfare in the homelands will be not only possible but an expected part of the system.
Now, we will have a lot more to say about this over the next six weeks and we have some other rather neat stuff than I won’t talk about until we know that we can do it. And again, please do not send email, feedback, etc., just talk to us on the usual sites, places, back-alleys etc. I hope this (among other things) puts to rest the stuff that we see on the boards that Mythic isn’t listening any more, we don’t read the boards, we don’t care, etc. We have moved this server up on our priority list (it was originally scheduled for early this Summer) based on what we have seen/heard from our community."
Also xp/gain lost per PvP fettes plus punkt entglich ist es etwas risiko reicher !!!!
Und lvl 50 verlieren wieder und müssen mehr aufpassen um 50 zu bleiben find ich SUPER
5) Realm keeps, towers, guard posts, etc. will be weakened so that Realm vs. Realm warfare in the homelands will be not only possible but an expected part of the system.
Und das ist nun wirklich fett vielleicht sollte ich DAOC doch ne 2te Chance geben und jetzt da das game *hust* die Beta Phase fast hinter sich hat und alle Realms itemized sind sollte es nun wirklich rocken
Ich werds sicherlich Probieren zum Glück tut neu anfangen in DAOC nicht so weh wie in EQ
Ich werd es mal probieren zum Glück