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Planes of Power Preview
With all the new planes open, the heroes of each class once again lined up to join in the battle for phatter lewts. Upon arrival to the entrance to the Plane of Rain, the party buffed up and zoned in...
You have entered the Plane of Rain.
It begins to rain.
Druid shouts, "PHAT LEWTS!!"
Necro sighs.
Necro says, "Damnit, didn't we go through this? We just got here..."
Druid says, "Oh... reflex, sorry."
Cleric says, "Monk go pull something."
Monk says, "I can't see in the rain. Druid, do something."
Druid says, "K, np!!!11"
Druid begins casting a spell.
It stops raining.
Karana shouts, "DRUID!"
Druid has been slain by Karana.
Monk says, "LOL!"
Warrior says, "LOL!"
Bard tries to laugh but screws up his twist.
Beastlord says, "Hahahah!"
Enchanter says, "Rofl!"
Magician says, "Hahahaa!!!!"
Necromancer says, "Figures, lol!"
Paladin says, "Oh, can I res him? Can I can I?"
Ranger says, "hahaha!"
Rogue was too busy scouting and didn't get to see Druid die.
Shadowknight says, "omg already?!"
Shaman says, "O_o"
Wizard says, "lol!"
Cleric sighs, "That's another peridot!!"
It begins to rain.
Party curses.
Cleric resses Druid.
Cleric says, "Warrior, you got your full VT gear on and 150 AA points, right?"
Warrior says, "Yeah, 255 in all stats, 7000 buffed HP, 1900 ac, np! Plus I got a sweet ring off some newb in the Bazaar who priced it wrong! What shall I tank?"
Cleric says, "Err, maybe we should hunt in a different plane... one where we can actually see?"
Rogue shouts, "Incoming An Orb of Water!"
An Orb of Water strikes Rogue for 600 points of damage.
An Orb of Water strikes Rogue for 600 points of damage.
Party jumps into action.
Warrior slashes An Orb of Water for a lot of damage.
Warrior taunts.
Paladin slashes An Orb of Water for the same amount of damage.
Paladin scores a critical hit! (539!)
Shadowknight slashes An Orb of Water for a lot of damage plus one.
Shadowknight scores a critical hit! (540!)
Monk attacks so fast that he goes Linkdead.
Rogue evades.
Beastlord, Magician, Shaman, and Necro send in their pets.
Magician Epic Pet hits An Orb of Water for an insane amount of damage.
Necro Pet hits an Orb of Water for a small amount of damage.
Necro growls.
Shaman Pet hits an Orb of Water for a negliglble amount of damage.
Necro laughs.
Beastlord Pet hits An Orb of Water for a psychotic amount of damage.
An Orb of Water is stunned.
An Orb of Water has been slain by Beastlord Pet.
An Orb of Wate's corpse says, "Glugglugglug!!!!"
Monk comes back from linkdeath.
Druid has looted a flask of water.
Druid ...'s
Cleric says, "Oooookay, new plane."
Warrior says, "Plane of Love! I want to slay Errolisi!"
Paladin says, "***? What'd she ever do to you?"
Shadowknight says, "Shut up, you killed Tunare for that sword, didn't you?"
Paladin looks at his Petrifed Flamberge and ...'s
Cleric says, "Wizard, mass teleport us to Plane of Love."
Wizard says, "Sure np!"
Wizard opens his spellbook.
Time passes.
Cleric says, "*** is taking so long?"
Wizard says, "I haven't used any spells in such a long time."
Wizard hides his Server Manaburn Club badge.
Wizard begins casting a spell.
The party disappears into a poof of pink smoke.
You have entered the Plane of Love.
Druid shouts, "PHAT LEWTS!!"
Necromancer growls.
Necromancer begins casting a spell.
A window pops up on Druid's screen.
Druid says, "???"
Necromancer says, "Press yes, it's a buff..."
Druid says, "Oh OK!"
Druid clicks "YES"
Druid has been slain by Necromancer!
Necromancer obtains an essence emerald.
Necromancer cackles.
Cleric stamps his foot.
Cleric says, "That just cost me ANOTHER peridot! And I can't res him!"
Necromancer shrugs, "He'll find his way back."
Monk comes back with Rogue from scouting.
Rogue says, "You guys won't believe this..."
Monk says, "There's a purple dinosaur over there named Blarney..."
Cleric says, "What's he con?"
Monk says, "He's yellow, cons KOS... should I pull him?"
Warrior says, "Bah! Only yellow?! Pull him!"
Monk goes to pull Blarney.
Rogue says, "I have a bad feeling about this..."
Monk shouts, "Incoming Blarney!"
Blarney scowls at you, ready to attack -- Looks like he'd smother you with hugs!
Cleric says, "..."
Blarney says, "Time to love!"
Blarney says, "It's Iksars like you that make me want to hug!"
Shaman says, "O_o"
Magician begins casting a spell.
Warrior is surrounded by enveloping lava.
Blarney begins casting a spell.
Cleric looks dazzled.
Beastlord says, "Gah, NPC AI!!"
Blarney hugs Warrior for 800 points of damage.
Blarney hugs Warrior for 800 points of damage.
Blarney hugs Warrior for 800 points of damage.
Blarney hugs Warrior for 800 points of damage.
Blarney cuddles Warrior for 251 points of damage.
Warrior is stunned.
Shaman begins casting a spell.
Blarney looks slower than a Polish Eskimo!
Paladin slashes Blarney for a large amount of damage.
Shadowknight slashes Blarney for a larger amount of damage.
Rogue backstabs Blarney for an extreme amount of damage.
Wizard yawns.
Necromancer begins casting a spell, but gives up, realizing it's just going to get resisted anyway.
Enchanter looks bored.
Bard's carpaltunnel syndrome worsens! (182!)
Monk strikes Blarney and goes Linkdead again.
Time passes.
Cleric casts Complete Heal on Warrior for the 9th time.
Warrior presses Taunt for the 120th time.
Bard twists his songs for the 250th time.
Enchanter plays /gems for the 372nd time.
Wizard says, "Okay, this is getting lame, it's been 10 minutes and he's still at 80% health. One sec guys."
Wizard begins sending tells to his friends.
Wizard Friend1 through Wizard Friend25 show up, all wizards.
Wizard deals a manaburn critical blast! (12784!)
Wizard Friend1 deals a manaburn critical blast! (14928!)
Wizard Friend2 deals a manaburn critical blast just like Wizard Friend1!
Wizard Friend25 does what every other wizard just did, only better!
Enchanter crushes Blarney for 2 points of damage.
Blarney has been slain by Enchanter.
Enchanter says, "WOOT SCREENSHOT!"
Wizard says, "Thanks for the help guys."
Wizard Friend8 says, "np! Now hand over the 225k manaburn fee."
Cleric says, "225k!?!?!"
Wizard Friend8 says, "Yep, we charge 10k per manaburn, but since Wizard is a member, we let you have one for free. Oh and we brought Druid back."
Druid waves.
Cleric beats the crap out of Wizard.
Wizard Friend takes the money from Cleric and all the Wizard Friends depart.
Druid says, "On the corpse there's NoDrop items only usable by followers of Errolisi Mar... ***!"
Beastlord says, "Stupid Verant!"
Ranger peers over Beastlord, "Yeah... Stupid Verant!"
Monk sees a mob drawing near.
A Carebear Wizard scowls at you, ready to attack - Looks like a relatively safe opponent.
Druid says, "Oooh let me kite that one!"
Cleric attempts to protest but Necromancer cuts him off.
Necromancer says, "He'll learn one day..."
Druid begins casting a spell.
A Carebear Wizard has been ensnared.
A Carebear Wizard says, "Come, Tenderheart!"
Tenderheart shouts, "CAREBEAR STARE!"
Druid has been slain by Tenderheart!
Whole party minus Druid, "LOL!"
Cleric says, "Carebear incoming though..."
Monk comes back from linkdeath, sees A Carebear Wizard, and Feigns.
Monk says, "You guys are on your own."
Wizard begins casting a spell.
A Carebear Wizard resists Wizard's Ancient: Destruction of Ice spell.
A Carebear Wizard deals a critical manaburn blast! (13720!)
Wizard has been slain by A Carebear Wizard.
Whole Party minus Wizard and Druid, "Hahaha!"
Shadowknight says, "Green con using manaburn, ***!"
Warrior slashes A Carebear Wizard for 72 points of damage.
Warrior has been burned!
Warrior slashes A Carebear Wizard for 54 points of damage.
Warrior has been burned!
Warrior slashes A Carebear Wizard for 35 points of damage.
Warrior has been burned!
Warrior slashes A Carebear Wizard for 22 points of damage.
Warrior has been burned!
Warrior has been slain by A Carebear Wizard.
Paladin says, "And a 2000pt damage shield..."
Ranger says, "Must be Verant's way of making the game interesting."
Shaman says, "O_o"
Enchanter begins casting a spell.
A Carebear Wizard is mesmerized.
Enchanter says, "Okay we all nuke at once."
Everyone that can begins casting a spell.
Everyone else begins right-clicking items.
Enchanter nukes A Carebear Wizard, but forgot to tash, and is resisted.
Shaman fizzles his manabar, realizing he never nukes and left his JBB in the bank.
Necromancer doesn't even bother, knowing his lifetap won't work.
Shadowknight agrees with Necromancer.
Magician had too many focus/summoning spells up, leaving no room for a nuke.
Cleric also doesn't have a nuke up.
Ranger nukes A Carebear Wizard for an ungodly pathetic amount of damage.
A Carebear Wizard begins casting a spell.
Ranger winces involuntarily.
Ranger has been struck by the spear of the solist!
A Carebear Wizard delivers a critical blast! (4202!)
Ranger has been slain by A Carebear Wizard.
Shaman says, "O_o"
Cleric says, "*** He just manaburned two seconds ago!!"
Tenderheart shouts, "CAREBEAR STARE!"
Cleric has been slain by Tenderheart.
Ranger says, "***!"
Necromancer says, "Great..."
Bard relaxes, not having to twist mana to Cleric anymore.
Beastlord punches A Carebear Wizard for 72 points of damage.
Beastlord has been burned!
Beastlord punches A Carebear Wizard for 31 points of damage.
Beastlord has been burned!
Beastlord has been slain by A Carebear Wizard.
Shadowknight says, "Moron..."
A Carebear Enchanter begins casting a spell.
Shadowknight has been charmed.
Magician says, "ADD!"
Rogue says, "Yeah, umm, I'm using my gate potion."
A Carebear Enchanter commands Shadowknight.
Shadowknight slashes A Carebear Wizard for 311 points of damage.
Shadowknight has been burned!
Shadowknight slashes A Carebear Wizard for 261 points of damage.
Shadowknight has been burned!
Shadowknight bases A Carebear Wizard for 25 points of damage.
Shadowknight has been burned!
Shadowknight has been slain by A Carebear Wizard.
Necromancer says, "Rofl!"
Shaman says, "O_o"
Monk remains feigned.
Rogue begins drinking a gate potion.
A Carebear Necromancer begins casting a spell.
Enchanter's lifeforce is drained away.
Enchanter has been slain by A Carebear Necromancer!
Necromancer feels the irony settle in.
Tenderheart shouts, "CAREBEAR STARE!"
Shaman has been slain by Tenderheart!
Shaman's corpse yells, "O_o"!
Bard uses Selo's and runs away.
Magician begins casting Gate.
Necromancer begins casting Gate.
Paladin runs to where Tenderheart is.
Magician gates.
Necromancer gates.
Paladin says, "Hail, Tenderheart."
Tenderheart says, "Welcome, Crusader, to the Plane of Love! Are you [enjoying] yourself here?"
Paladin says, "I am enjoying myself here."
Tenderheart says, "Well that's great, A noble Crusader such as... wait... Isn't that Tunare's Sword?! TAKE THIS!"
Paladin says, "Wait, you don't have to shout it..."
Paladin transfers all of his lifeforce to Bard.
Paladin has been slain by Paladin.
A Carebear Wizard tries to hit Bard, but Bard ripostes!
Bard slashes A Carebear Wizard for 7 points of damage.
Bard has been burned!
Bard says, "DAMNIT!"
A Carebear Wizard tries to hit Bard, but Bard ripostes!
Bard slashes A Carebear Wizard for 2 points of damage.
Bard has been burned!
A Carebear Wizard tries to hit Bard, but Bard ripostes!
Bard slashes A Carebear Wizard for 5 points of damage.
Bard has been burned!
A Carebear Wizard tries to hit Bard, but Bard ripostes!
Bard slashes A Carebear Wizard for 4 points of damage.
Bard has been burned!
Bard has been slain by A Carebear Wizard.
You have entered Cazic-Thule.
Rogue says, "Ahh crap."
Rogue has been slain by a horde of 55+ lizards.
Magician and Necromancer sit in Nexus.
Magician says, "So, another crappy expansion?"
Necromancer says, "As soon as they create a mob that I can actually do anything useful to, I'll be happy."
Magician says, "Well at least you're not a vending machine."
Necromancer says, "Oh well, at least you have a useful epic."
Magician says, "Ahh, true. Well, umm... Hey, isn't that Cleric?"
Cleric says, "This CR is gonna suck."
Necromancer laughs.
Necromancer says, "Got Coffin money?"
Cleric says, "No! That 225k wiped us clean!!"
Cleric does a /who all Wizard.
There are no players in Everquest.
_________________ Menawena Mirisil [70 Archor] [retired] Xenia [60 Priest ] - Al'Akir [retired] Xenele [80 Templar] [retired] Mena [70 Priest] - Baelgun [retired] Sioned [21 Hexenmeister] - Teldrassil [retired] Sionell [22 Jäger] - Teldrassil [retired] Rohannon [32 Priester] - Teldrassil [retired] Menalye [54 Priester] - Teldrassil [retired]