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Diese Email ging heute morgen im Namen der Kael Drakkal Community raus:
Dear Sirs,
Concering the massive ingame bugs leading to classes not being able to play as intended, or raidparties not being able to hit their trivial goals, we - the Community of Kael Drakkal - today send you this email.
We have discovered MANY bugs which have already been adressed by us during beta and now 6 weeks after serverlive still irritate the game.
Many players are either thinking of leaving the server or already have done so - due to a totally unbalanced game and bugs which we had to deal with when the game went live 4 years ago. We are patient, but at one point its hard for us to keep up with that patience.
US servers get their emergency patches if something went wrong during a server patch. Euro servers get: more bugs added to the list after each ( RARE ) patch.
There are many zones ( Najena, North Karana, all PoP planes ) we cannot even go to as they are bugged and we a) cannot loot monster corpses and even worse b) our own corpses incase of a death. Yes we can petition for it to be solved by a GM but still it consumes and minimizes our playingtime.
Bard instruments are NOT working - many bards have put their chars on a shelf until the problems are solved, and few who have had enough with it already have left the server. Raid parties fail on trivial encounters due to bard resist songs not working properly. Again consuming our playtime and minimizing the fun in OUR game.
Focus Effekt items do not exist on our server since the last patch ( 1 day before christmas ). All effects have been removed due to a bug. When will this finally be fixed, we have a right on properly working items aswell.
Mob Spawn timers: Some of them have been added to the new table and some still have timers which have been changed a long time ago and some monster rarely dont spawn at all.
Quests: most NPC still do not give out their quests. Either they do not answer at all or do not hand out the item you need ( e.g. Combineboxes, Gems, letters and so on )
Most of the quests are translated in a way that even makes it hard for somebody with a lot of knowledge of the game to find out what the correct key word might be.
Some quest NPC's DO give out the keywords needed, but after trying to activate those words, given to you in bracets as usual, you get no reply. With the help of GM's we found out that in those cases you usually need words that are FAR from what the quest message gives you as a hint.
Again this consumes and minimizes our playtime.
Tradeskills: Upon combining items we occasionally get: You combined the items and fashioned something new. An item you created DOES not exist in dbase.
Items which are consumed in large amounts in some tradeskills (e.g. Acrylia studs) are now LORE - which makes it NOT possible to raise the skill properly nor to create an item.
Mob popularity: Some zones are no longer interesting to explore or to level in as due to some odd pathing bugs mobs pile up on walls and get stuck there. Lake of Ill Omen is a very bad example for this. Mobs warp through the zone without aggroing or being able to get attacked.
NPC flagged with the following names: "Ssra Temple Uber Monster" most NPC involved are quest NPC and they do not answer to hails or known keywords.
Also, the interface is quite buggy. After using ALT and UP KEY to repeat something said earlier something known as the "shift bug" occurs which will NOT allow you to move or activate ANY hotbuttons at all unless you hit shift once, but rather just keeps us cycling in the previously written text lines. This, however, does not occur on a regular basis, thus makes it hard for us to bypass it, since we never know when to expect it next.
The chat also seems to be bugged, since the text that you can enter on the KD server is about 2 3rd's shorter than on the US servers, which makes communicating or giving out necessary raid info annoying and complicated
Experience tables: US server have had their change, we still have so called hell levels and we have figured out that something is not working as intended in the rewared experience per kill.
Groupexperience seems to be bugged as well as solo experience.
There are many many other smaller bugs which we report almost daily, and patiently wait for a solution.
As you have seen in our list above the game is far from being balanced and close to being unplayable.
We all are paying customers just like every other player on US servers, and we have the same rights on balanced game mechanics. But we are no longer willing to be paying Beta testers.
We hereaby demand patches to solve the problems listed above and bugs which have been adressed to you.
If you do not take care of this server we are sure it soon will be deserted.
If you need any more information please feel free to ask for it, we are just as interested in solving this situation as you should be.
Best regards
Kael Drakkal Community