February 24, 2003 5:00 am
*** The Legacy of Ykesha is now live! ***
As the afternoon heat grows, a trickle of adventurous folk can be seen moving through the rocky vales of the mountains called Stonebrunt. These quiet lands, normally inhabited by panda bears and kobolds, are slowly becoming a throughway for heroes, mercenaries and adventures of all races. Are you one of them?
And in Gukta tadpoles are growing into young Frogloks. There is no doubt in the minds of the conquerors of Grobb that the new generation of their people will grow into strong and steadfast servants of Mithaniel Marr, worthy of his respect. Will you be one of them?
OOC: Have fun with the new features, the new race and the new zones. Thank you for playing EverQuest.
** Gameplay **
We've adjusted the entry requirements for some Planes of Power zones. Several of these zones required each character to complete a quest before gaining entry. We've relaxed this requirement somewhat as follows:
* A raid with 32 or more members can enter a locked plane provided that 85% of the raiders have finished the entry quest. This means a raid group can bring along some friends who haven't completed the quest.
* Characters who haven't done the entry quest must stay with their raid while they are in the locked zone. If these characters leave the raid for more than three minutes, they will be transported out to the Plane of Tranquility.
* Using this method does not grant permanent access to the locked zone. If a character wants permanent, unescorted access to a locked zone then they must still complete the quest. The goal of this change is to allow raiding groups to bring along a few friends who haven't been able to complete the quests, but still wish to help with the raid.
- Several of the flagging events will now only give out a maximum of 72 flags each time they are completed.
- The dialogue boxes for resurrection and translocation will remain for 5 minutes instead of 1 hour.
- Increased the maximum number of members on ignore and friends lists to 100.
- Made some adjustments to the Halls of Honor alternate entry quest that should make it more friendly.
- The horse buff icon will no longer show up for characters using non-Luclin models.
** Interface **
- Containers now close after zoning. This prevents a bug that was causing the same container to be opened twice.
- The rogue hide message "You have moved and are no longer hidden!" is filtered as a "skill" message and not an "other" message.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the spell effects opacity slider to always return to 0% when logging out to the desktop.
** Items **
- Happy Dragon should no longer use a charge when the target is out of range.
- The inventory icons for Trydan's Greaves of Nobility, Deathwatch Sword and Wetfang Steak have been corrected.
- Corrected the name of the Drakescale Covered Tunic (was Drakscale Covered Tunic).
- The Manicle of Disruption has been renamed Manacle of Disruption.
- See above for Vorshar's Manicle of the Blight.
- Corrected the spelling of Golden Idol of Rodcef Nife.
- The Rantho Rapier is now a piercing weapon, not a two-hand slashing weapon.
- The Wand of Mana Tapping is no longer labeled as usable in the secondary hand (since it is Enchanter only and could not be used there anyhow).
** Quests **
- Made a change to the way Planes of Power spell quests work. All spells usable by more than one class are now obtained from the same level quest. If a spell is level 61 (Ethereal) for one class and level 65 (Rune Word) for another, both will have it as a reward on their Ethereal quest.
- Corrected issues with the quest from the Iksar Hermit.
- Corrected a grammatical error in some of Bolli Hillfoot's text.
- Marshal Anrey should be more responsive when talked to.
- The "Bag of Troll guts" is now dropping off of the correct NPC.
** Zones and NPCs**
- Removed the ability for PCs to bind in the upper tier Planes of Power zones. Binding is allowed in Plane of Knowledge and Plane of Tranquility.
- The entrance to the Plane of Fire now requires the appropriate keys for entry.
- Gods in the elemental planes now have fixed respawn regardless of zone outages. If the god in an elemental plane is up when the zone comes down it will still be up when the zone comes back up. If it has two days left before its respawn when the zone comes down it will still respawn in two days.
- Prior to this patch Rallos Zek was changed, he no longer allows anyone he dislikes to stand above the arena.
- Removed a "safe spot" from the Plane of Disease.
- NPCs in the Plane of Justice can no longer be affected by Fear spells.
- Fixed an issue with some level 10 NPCs in the Karanas having about 400 times the hit points that they should.
- Denizens of Aerin`Dar's lair will no longer be getting angry at folks just because they are stomping around on the ground above the lair.
- Puslings now understand how to "enrage" properly.
- Creatures in Fungus Grove will be less likely to ignore people shooting them from a distance.
- Mature Arboreans are now plants. Just don't call them that to their faces.
- Giant Whiskered Bats in the Qeynos area no longer drop rat skulls.
- Dalin Greskar has given up his hobby of trying to sell blacksmithing gear that he doesn't have and has gone legit with pottery supplies.
- Corrected a typographical error in some of Tarnic McWillows speech.
- Firon Dernkal will no longer add a random "t" to the end of people's names when talking to them.
- Corrected an error in Eirod Haerod's text.
- It seems as though the troll sent to retrieve the Forge from fallen Grobb has returned with Forge in hand.
- Corrected an issue with the respawn of Fennin Ro.
- A Kromzek spy will no longer give a "beta neutral" faction hit when killed.
** Spells **
- Fixed a bug that prevented the owners of charmed warders from controlling or re-summoning their warders after the charm breaks.
- Disinfecting Aura has been changed to no longer cure poisonous effects. It will now cure disease effects with much more potency.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Bind Sight to fail to land if the recipient had exactly 15 other buffs.
- Convergence should not eat its component as often on some types of spell failures.
- Corrected the spell book icons for several Enchanter spells.
- Shadeweaver port should no longer place you beneath the world.
- In a previous update, we added a message when a person recasts a charm spell on their charmed pet. Recasting charm on an existing pet did not actually re-charm the pet, it just failed silently and appeared to succeed. The new message is now displayed intentionally in these cases. This is not a bug.
** Miscellaneous **
- Attack text for the Vah Shir when punching now says, "punches" instead of "hits"
- Fixed a bug that was causing the reduced statistics to not update properly when the character has low hit points or is encumbered.
- Fixed a bug that caused some sale prices for items in the Bazaar (mostly those with a lot of 9s) to be invalid.
- The /guildmotd command has been modified. Guild leaders and officers can now use this command to set or clear the guild Message of the Day. There is a new command, /getguildmotd, that can be used as an alternative to viewing the Guild MOTD in the Guild Management Window.
** New and Changed UI Files **
Bodytintwnd - NEW
Cart01.tga - NEW
Cart02.tga - NEW
Cart03.tga - NEW
Cart04.tga - NEW
dragitem26.tga - NEW
Editlabelwnd - NEW
Groupsearchwnd - NEW
Guildmgmtwnd - NEW
Maptoolbarwnd - NEW
Mapviewwnd - NEW