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 Betreff des Beitrags: EQ 2 - Info
BeitragVerfasst: 8. Mai 2003, 09:29 

Registriert: 5. Februar 2002, 11:43
Beiträge: 172
Wohnort: Münster
hab folgendes auf einem SHM board entdeckt (und war zu faul es zu übersetzen)

Info on EQ2:

- Setting is 500 Years after EQ1
- Character creation is more streamline than before. Taking a cue from “Asheron’s Call 2, you simply click on a statue representing the race you wish to be. Using a series of slider bars, you deform and tint the facial characteristics of your avatar.
- Can be young looking or super old
- Character stats are hidden, to avoid overwhelming new players. Experienced players can still open them up.
- Just like the new NPC journal in LoY, EQ2 has the same thing to help stay on top of Quests.
- There will be No “Sense Heading”. Have to use compass.
- Level 5 is when you first experience the new class system. That’s when you’ll finally select a profession from one of the Archetypes: Fighter, Rouge, Druid, Mage, Priest, or Tradesman.
- EQ2 dedicated tradesperson is a full-blown, experience-earning character.
- Tradesperson will get XP for successfully creating new Items, Items that will be among the very best in the game.
- “Trade Raids” will essentially be enormous civil engineering projects that require the efforts of several players in order to create large structures (such as Temples) that will then provide huge benefits to other players.
- Maintenance of these structures will be another crucial task for trade’s people.
- Since EQ2 will be awarding XP for making items, there is a crafting system that mimics Combat. Separate bars on the crafting interface track the item making progress and your Characters “Concentration”. As long as your concentration bar outlasts your item making progress bar you will be successful in making the item. But events will occur during crafting to complicate matters, and you will have to execute “maneuvers” (Which are Essentially trade-based spells) to deal with them. Maneuvers are chosen before crafting and are lined up on the left side of the interface so that when you see an “Alert” like: “Overheating Metal,” you can click on “Cool Metal to salvage the crafting process. Of course, maneuvers cost you concentration. Should your concentration run out… You Fail! But you only lose raw components and money you put into it. Happily, rare components aren’t lost.
- After picking an archetype at level 5, players will then choose a “Sub-class” at level 10. Then at level 30 they can choose a full “Class”. (So to become a paladin, the progression would be: Fighter at level 5, then Crusader at level 10, and finally Paladin at level 30. Also to be a Shadow Knight or something different you would choose: Fighter, then Brawler, and then Shadow Knight… Ect ect).
- Characters can be developed up to level 100.
- SoE has a game engine to allow players to reach level 200 (Expansions already in the works?).
- Mobs are Tougher and smarter than EQ1, they have a dramatically complex new pathing system that will prevent mobs from attacking through walls and stuff.
- Mobs can follow you anywhere within a zone. You can still Zone to lose a pursuer, but with EQ2 Vast zones, that’s going to be a much longer run than before.
- A direct answer to the grefing tactic of pulling large trains of Hostile Mobs into a cluster of underpowered players is that EQ2 mobs will stay focused on the player who pulled them. Once that player dies or Escapes, mobs that have moved out of there “Area of comfort” will ignore other potential targets and make a beeline for home, thus protecting innocent players. Of course, some Mobs at higher-level zones are going to feel at home (Area of Comfort) just about anywhere in that zone.
- Instead of taking away XP with death, the game will levy an “XP Debt”. Its like a credit card: a certain % of all XP you gain post-mortem will go toward paying off your dept, so death will only put a temporary drag on your advancement. Or you can just log off- XP dept will expire slowly over time on its own, so you should be good to go 24 hours later offline.
- EQ2 camping of Mobs should be limited due to the new “Pocket Zone”. This is similar to the “Anarchy Online” when you triggered a quest or met specific requirements, you are (and your group, if needed) taken to a zone that is essentially your own. Sony will be able to create as many pocket zones as necessary for any players at the same point at the same time- so no more waiting.
- Combat hasn’t changed a ton. But weapons have the potential to do different damage to different Mobs. Such as a Blunt weapon will have a higher damage effect on a skeleton due to the vulnerability to getting crushed vs. just cut… what’s a cut going to do to a skeleton, he has no blood to spill.
- The EQ magic system is largely unchanged except for the addition of “Concentration” as a new spell resource. While you’ll still need mana to fire off any spell, concentration represents your character’s ability to maintain spells and will be primarily used to maintain buffs. So a Shammann can cast a slew of protective spells on party members and never have them run out just as long as that shaman (other classes too) keeps the mental bandwidth to keep them running. Should you need to reclaim concentration to cast a different spell, you can “shut off” any currently maintained magic and immediately recoup the necessary brainpower.
- Sony is making plans to give some time of Bundle or group subscription rate for playing both EQ1 and EQ2. But still wont be able to import your EQ1 toon over to EQ2. Sony is working on an “Ancestral” plan, in which your new EQ2 character could be the descendent of one of your EQ1 characters. Your descendent will carry an “Heirloom” from your older character- maybe a piece of Jewelry or Armor.
- Player communication will be open and seamless across both games and all servers.
- Every player will have some sort of access to a secure player housing, either by renting a room in an Inn or pooling in resources to buy a guild Hall.
- Binding spots are scattered across the land.
- Players can own boats, and other modes of transport (but no horses- not yet… Maybe yet another expansion?)
- You can create macros of different Armor/Weapons/Spell set-ups, so you can easily toggle to whatever the situation demands without laboriously rearranging everything in your inventory.
- When you die you’ll face a Choice: Float around your corpse and wait for another player to Resurrect you, or sacrifice a randomly selected item (including things stored in player housing) in order to respawn at your last bind point. EQ2 will pick a level-appropriate item to sacrifice. It won’t delete prized, rare items.


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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 8. Mai 2003, 11:22 
Mistress of Hellfire

Registriert: 11. Januar 2002, 16:55
Beiträge: 964
Wohnort: hier
kein PvP Server


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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 8. Mai 2003, 11:29 

Registriert: 15. Januar 2002, 18:11
Beiträge: 999
ist das sicher dass sie keinen pvp server machen ?

Menawena Mirisil [70 Archor] [retired]
Xenia [60 Priest ] - Al'Akir [retired]
Xenele [80 Templar] [retired]
Mena [70 Priest] - Baelgun [retired]
Sioned [21 Hexenmeister] - Teldrassil [retired]
Sionell [22 Jäger] - Teldrassil [retired]
Rohannon [32 Priester] - Teldrassil [retired]
Menalye [54 Priester] - Teldrassil [retired]


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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 8. Mai 2003, 13:30 

Registriert: 17. Januar 2002, 15:49
Beiträge: 497
Wohnort: Cabilisssss
Kein PvP Spiel


featuring lil' Daiony

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 8. Mai 2003, 13:46 

Registriert: 15. Januar 2002, 18:11
Beiträge: 999
kann ich mir irgendwie kaum vorstellen...

Menawena Mirisil [70 Archor] [retired]
Xenia [60 Priest ] - Al'Akir [retired]
Xenele [80 Templar] [retired]
Mena [70 Priest] - Baelgun [retired]
Sioned [21 Hexenmeister] - Teldrassil [retired]
Sionell [22 Jäger] - Teldrassil [retired]
Rohannon [32 Priester] - Teldrassil [retired]
Menalye [54 Priester] - Teldrassil [retired]


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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 8. Mai 2003, 14:21 
Mistress of Hellfire

Registriert: 11. Januar 2002, 16:55
Beiträge: 964
Wohnort: hier
ich mir schon, den großen erfolg den EQ hat kommt imo daher das die leute die schnauze voll hatten von den random PKs in UO. brauchst dir auch nur die EQ server anschauen, auf den Zeks ist immer am wenigsten los, also kann PvP nicht so gefragt sein. Für PvP gibts eben auch bessere Spiele, aus SWG wurde ja auch extrem viel PvP rausgenommen im Vergleich was anfangs geplant war. Sony ist die einzige Firma die nen Bürgerkrieg ohne PVP umsetzen kann/will/versucht


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BeitragVerfasst: 9. Mai 2003, 10:17 
The Princess of Insufficient Light

Registriert: 11. Januar 2002, 17:17
Beiträge: 1306
Wohnort: Stuttgart
Naja, selbst EQ war ja nicht auf PvP ausgelegt, von daher sollte man niemals nie sagen. Ein Punkt der gegen die PvP-Server spricht: Die Heulerei auf PvP-Servern ist sehr Customer-Care-intensiv..

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 9. Mai 2003, 11:38 
Selwiens Lustknabe

Registriert: 25. Januar 2002, 10:50
Beiträge: 414
Ich wette 100 Euro, daß EQ2 nicht an den Erfolg von EQ1 rankommen wird, wer hält dagegen?

Itchara Treewhisper
Preserver of the 58th Circle
Itcharo Wu
Transcendent of the 65th Circle

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BeitragVerfasst: 9. Mai 2003, 11:52 
The Princess of Insufficient Light

Registriert: 11. Januar 2002, 17:17
Beiträge: 1306
Wohnort: Stuttgart
Ich vermute auch stark das der Markt sich in den nächsten Jahren zusehends fragmentiert. Wenn man sich anschaut was alles demnächst released wird (oder auch nicht, gell Maldi) oder in der Pipeline ist, dann wird einem deutlich das die Spieler nicht massiv zum nächsten Spiel einer Reihe tingeln, sondern vielfach auch zu neuen Ufern aufbrechen. EQ hatte einfach den Vorteil eines überschaubaren Marktes: UO, Meridian 59 und EQ - viel mehr Auswahl gab es einfach nicht - und die PKs haben vielen Leuten UO madig gemacht, so das ein relativ kontrolliertes PvE-Spiel wie EQ natürlich wie die Erlösung aussehen musste. Vermutlich werden aber nicht alle der entwickelten Spiele überleben, oder gar antreten, hier entscheidet sich eben wer das Spiel mit dem interessantesten Content und der stabilsten Community liefert, und nicht wehr die schönsten grafischen grafischen Gimmicks vorzeigen kann.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 11. Mai 2003, 22:25 

Registriert: 4. Juli 2002, 02:22
Beiträge: 12
EQ2 soll ja eh was für Leute sein die Diablo usw spielen.... richtet sich nicht wirklich an die jetztigen EQ Spieler.... die 100 Euro hast du sicher

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