Greetings Adventurers!
Open up new solo gameplay possibilities you've only dreamed about. Got two computers? Use the free account key provided in this email and your existing software to start a second account and play two characters together -- at the same time! How cool would it be to build a cleric or druid of your own and have them at your fingertips for buffs, healing and more? Or better yet, get a friend to join you by giving him or her this free account key. Now your friend has no excuse not to come adventure with you. Or even better still, invite a family member. Remember, the family that plays together stays together.
Whatever direction you choose to go, you can't go wrong! Below is an EverQuest Trilogy account key that will open a new EQ account for a FREE 5 DAY TRIAL. The enclosed account key is good for a free 5-day subscription (regular account charges applicable thereafter) and requires the EverQuest Trilogy software.
Wow great more moddafucking powerlvling and xp nipple scratching for the bloobie ass...anyways anyone want that account key since i don t play...just gimme a pm (das klingt verdammt nach Maldipus
