OK, wading quickly through 7 pages of posts this is what I see (copy and pasted some previous posts, not taking any credit for any of this, just trying to consolidate)
There’s an new NPC in Upper Guk called An OLD FROG.
Short version first:
Give him 4 items and receive:
Crown of Deciet
12 ac
+15 cha
+10sv magic
effect : Illusion Fier`Dal (wood elf)
The 4 items are:
Reet Froglok crown
Elf Essence
Velium Mastadon fur cloak
Vial of purified Mana
The Old Frog is located in the hallway around the corner just past the priest room if you are traveling from the direction of the Squire spawn. My live frog faction is too low so I was unable to hail him. At one point he despawned and a PH popped, but later in the day the Old frog was back. Maybe this will help.
No one posts his text, but basically he was duped by some trolls and ended taking a dagger cursed by Innoruk and slaying the Lord and Arch Mage and then put to death after a trial and now wants revenge (at least that’s what I can make out)…
There’s also an NPC in PoK, Sage Ballic who has this to say..
You say, 'Hail, Sage Ballic'
Sage Ballic says, 'Greetings friend. Welcome to my place of private contemplation. I relax here and leaf through my old studies, admiring at creations from the past made by races we thought would never amount to anything. My favorite tomes to look at are those that deal with Frogloks.
You say, 'What frogloks?'
Sage Ballic says 'A surprising race to study is the Frogloks of Antonica. While we may think their magic was weak, it was at one time so powerful the Gods reached down and smote them for their creations. Balls of energy that made life into magic! Their High Enchanter even made a mask that transformed the wearer into a Teir'Dal! Quite an interesting race worthy of some study if you ask me, someday I shall like to go and see these frogloks, especially to learn more knowledge of the magical mask.
You say, 'What magical mask?'
Sage Ballic blinks and looks at you. 'I have told you all that I know, for more knowledge you will need to seek it's creator. The enchanter is more than likely very old, the mask having been made at the height of the power of the Froglok Race. Here take this picture book to aid you in your quest.' Sage Ballic hands you a book.
Sure enough, he gives you a Lore No Drop book (which isn't readable) and of course my faction is bottomed out with frogloks. When I snuck behind the old froglok and gave him the book, he just gave me the message 'I will do nothing to aid beings like you' and kept the book. Someone with high froglok faction needs to get the picture book and try handing it to him..
Give the Old Frog the Book and he gives you a recipe to make Elf Essence:
1x woodelf part
1x dark elf part
1x celes essence
Reets in Sebelis Drop the Crown
Recipe for Velium Mastodon Fur Cloak is:
4 Velium mastodon furs + 1 vial of purified mana + 1 platinum thread
Not trivial at 250 tailoring
Velium Mastodon Fur Cloak
Slot: BACK
AC: 10
STR: +10 STA: +10
SV COLD: +10
Weight: 4.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Velium Mastodon furs drop in Western Wastes
Velium Mastodon Fur
WT: 0.8 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Dark Elf Parts
· Dark elf casters in Najena
· Kizdean Gix in West Commons
· Dragoon Zytl in West Commons
· Coerced dark elves in Dalnir
· Dark elf pirates in Ocean of Tears
· Tempus in Upper Guk
· Giz Dintree in East Freeport
· Lockjaw the crocodile in Oasis
· Ambassador Dvinn in Crushbone
· Dark elves in Befallen
Wood Elf Parts
· Wood Elf bandits in Greater and Lesser Faydarks
· Wood Elf slaves in Crushbone
· Rangers at station in Lesser Faydark
· Wood Elves on Sister Island in Ocean of Tears
· Lockjaw the crocodile in Oasis
zum Safehouse Thread