Free Character Moves to Sebilis Now Closed
Thank you for your interest and support of the free Euro Character Transfer. We have achieved our goal of 1000 moves to the France based server, Sebilis. We are no longer accepting request for free moves to this server.
Free Character moves are still being offered for the German based servers, Kael Drakkal.
Once we meet our goal of 1000 moves to all three servers, this offer will end. After which time, anyone wanting to transfer a character to a new server may do so through our standard Character Transfer Service according to the current rules and prices.
Once again, thank you for your interest in this special offer.
Die Chancen scheinen also nicht schlecht zu stehen, auf KD gemoved zu werden, wenn man den Move schon beantragt hat.
Itchara Treewhisper
Preserver of the 58th Circle
Itcharo Wu
Transcendent of the 65th Circle